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We use modified Artificial Intelligence systems particularly developed for the purposes which they serve to improve earnings and also security over users funds.

Accept: BTC, ETH,
Earnings credited to program account, withdrawal paid within 1 business day
Minimum withdrawal: investor - $20 | free member - $n/a
Referral bonus to investor: 5%, 3% for level 2, 2% for level 3

This platform is designed to help you earn from the forex market, cryptocurrency, NFTs and metaverse. With the aim of improving your overall returns, compounding your interests and facilitating your financial freedom.

Albeit the challenge of market volatility, we are poised and ever ready, leveraging on the experience of our team and providing a continuous variety of content that adapts to the trends of the market.

Fxcryptohub aims to provide every individual, beginners and advanced traders in the forex and cryptocurrency markets with efficient methods of earning good returns from both markets and the metaverse through our experts trading and making good returns on behalf of the users.

At Fxcryptohub we use modified Artificial Intelligence systems particularly developed for the purposes which they serve to improve earnings and also security over users funds. This has to a large extent improved with unequal precision of the analytical data obtained, used for development.
Added: 2023-06-26 | Archived: 2024-01-10 | Started: 2019-03-19 (2000 days ago)
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