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Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Bestemoneys.com?
Bestemoneys is web portal that provides extensive information about everything related to E-Currencies.
We arrange web sites by categories and make it easy for visitors to find the best programs, services, etc.

What is Bestemoneys.com Shares Program?
Shares program was our way of raising capital needed to properly operate successful web portal.

Income from ad sales drastically decreased during 2020 and it hasnt improved yet.
New Shares arent sold. Old shares will still earn 150% and expire. That will end Shares Program.

Shares Program was a way for e-currency users to own piece of Bestemoneys.com and be entitled to fair portion of income generated by Bestemoneys.com web portal.
To become Share holder, you must purchase at least one Share.
As a Share Holder you will own 728x90 pixels ad space and, every time Bestemoneys.com makes a sale, your share will be calculated and credited to your Bestemoneys.com account.
Once revenue reach 150%, Share will expire.

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Payeer, Bitcoin, Alt Coin (USDT, LTC, etc.), CreditCard (thru Payeer).

What is minimum/maximum spend?
Minimum transfer to fund Bestemoneys.com account is:
$1 for Payeer
$20 for Bitcoin
$10 for Alt Coin (USDT, LTC, etc.)
and maximum is $5000 per day.

You can buy Share or advertise for as low as $1.
Minimum deposit in Crypto Trading plan is $10

Will earnings be paid directly to my e-currency account?
No, earnings will accumulate in your Bestemoneys.com account.

Can I cancel my Shareholder membership and get back my principal?
Not directly. You can sell your Share to other member (go to Your Shares area, click Sell and set price).
Then you would get specified percents of the remaining principal as soon as someone buys your Share.

Do you charge any fees?
We do not charge any fee for adding funds to bestemoneys.com account.
We do not charge fee for withdrawing earnings but payment processors take transaction fee.
If transaction cost exceed 1%, that will be deducted from your withdrawal.

What is the minimum withdrawal?
Minimum withdrawal is:
$1 for Payeer
$5 for Bitcoin
$1 for Alt Coin (USDT, LTC, etc.)

When will my withdrawal be paid?
We will usually process your withdrawal within two business days.
Sometimes withdrawal processing may take more than two business days. That will happen on occasions when:

- your chosen payment processor is out of funds.
We prefer to reduce loses on fees by moving larger sum or to wait until we receive funds from new sale.

- payment processor does not function properly

- other unforeseeable circumstances arose

Pending withdrawal will be accruing 0.1% interest for each delayed business day.

Do you offer referral program?
Yes. Bestemoneys.com gives 10% referral bonus.
Every time that your referral makes ad purchase or earns profit from Crypto Trading Plan, bonus will be credited to your Bestemoneys account.
All members are eligible to receive referral bonus.
Spamming and abusing referral program by referring yourself is prohibited.

I can not access my account, what shall I do?
If you forgot password and/or username, you can use our password recovery option (check Log In page).
If you had turned off automated password recovery or provided email address cant receive our message, please contact us (and specify email that works).

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