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CashCrusader scripts are the most widely supported GPT scripts on the market today; both by web hosts and 3rd party developers alike.

CashCrusader Script script, price $69.95. Intended for PaidToRead, PaidToClick, PaidToSignup
CashCrusader Script Features
Complete Interactive Website (Generic Template)
4 Separate Autosurf/Manual Surf Traffic Exchanges.
Pa id-to-Signup.
Paid-to-Read E-mail.
Internal User Inboxes.
Ad Timers.
Auto Login Feature.
Rotating Banner, Text, Pop-up and Pop-under Ad Manager.
Gold Membership Program (automatically assign unreferred members to gold members) Our gold program supports ANY ratio and distributes referrals fairly based on the ratios you assign. Great for offering not just gold, but bronze, silver and platinum memberships.
Automated Member Sign-up - The sign-up process is completely automated - your new members will receive an E-mail to complete the sign up process and confirm their membership; as well as an e-mail welcoming them to your site.
Automated Member Password Recovery.
Automated Member Cancellation.
Automated Member Crediting.
All Website Pages (privacy, terms, help, etc.) are Included in the Scripts.
Ability to provide Members with Sign-up Bonus and Referral Levels are Unlimited.
Award by Points or Cash.
Set Your Own Payout Levels, Payout Rate and Advertising Prices.
Inactive Accounts Can Removed by using a set criteria by you.
Stats page that is fast and accurate.
Visitor counters, show how many guests and members are online.
Vacation Mode: Your members will be able to place their account hold should they be away for long periods of time.
and more

Accept: PayPal, ,
Orders processed within 1 day

CashCrusader scripts are backed by more experience, more features, more add-ons and supported by more hosts than any other GPT script on the market. These facts alone make CashCrusader the intelligent choice for your business.
Added: 2009-09-27 | Started: (19931 days ago)
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