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Ridgetop Holdings is an innovative company engaged in investments in gold and provide up to 10% daily income.

Ridgetop Holdings status: Not Paying
Accept: Bitcoin, Ethereum
Earnings credited to program account, withdrawal paid within 1 day
Minimum withdrawal: investor - $5 | free member - $5
Referral bonus to investor: 3%, 1% for level 2
Referral bonus to regular member: 3%, 1% for level 2
Script: Gold Coders

Our company is engaged in investing in gold coins, metal bills.

Such a method of investing is free from the risk of loss of capital, since gold will never depreciate completely, as it happens, for example, with stocks.

However, Ridgetop Holdings is not limited to buying / selling “gold assets” (including gold trading in the Forex market) and is directly involved in the process of their extraction from gold ores in Russia, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and China.

This activity is absolutely profitable due to the stable growth in the price of gold. Established relationships with customers eliminate the likelihood of a lack of distribution channels, which allows us to take full advantage of the high liquidity of this investment object.
Added: 2022-02-07 | Archived: 2022-04-21 | Started: 2021-11-26 (1017 days ago)
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:) rekt (date: 2022-02-16 13:16) Login to Reply
I got paid $10.35 in BTC, In am very happy to get this

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