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bitrce is a platform that makes mining very efficient, productive and accessible for everyone.

Bitrce status: Problem
Accept: PerfectMoney, USDT, BNB, BTC, BCH, DOGE, ETH, LTC, XRP, TRX,
Earnings credited to program account, withdrawal paid within 1 day
Minimum withdrawal: investor - $5 | free member - $5
Referral bonus to investor: 7%, 3% for level 2, 1% for level 3
Referral bonus to regular member: 7%, 3% for level 2, 1% for level 3

bitrce.com Limited is engaged with leading Bitcoin mining and crypto currency trading. It has no doubt that market of Bitcoin is incredibly increasing, So we offer our customers different and suitable investment plans tailored to meet the needs of both small and big investors.
Added: 2024-07-22 | Archived: 2024-09-04 | Started: 2024-07-22 (48 days ago)
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:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-30 13:33) Login to Reply
Payment received:
+43.564849 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-29 18:21:18. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 330308e0feb565294645768bfec8fb6a96e64c1d4eef7fe841 2360d5907e8ba9
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-28 01:48) Login to Reply
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+34.849828 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-28 03:36:21. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 0e8e28c7b87b13b139f89bdcee106e685fc1f3e4e4b9014355 314b59d25a913a
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-26 20:51) Login to Reply
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+33.628859 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-26 22:45:18. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 95943d87ede9a1ccf38b697d5f4060e144eca2c8a7600bfb63 8dffb71379c618
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-25 21:43) Login to Reply
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+48.440811 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-25 21:53:21. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 32ba432b5b8bdcac894d51757b5f4c7ea5d513904abc9e8a49 f6a340e9015ad1
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-23 22:23) Login to Reply
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+41.014639 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-23 23:58:18. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 2da90aa14d7300c8ed4fe8ec64ae56e78c63254c281e3df494 0101cdf1d75ec2
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-22 17:38) Login to Reply
Payment received:
+44.897697 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-22 17:49:21. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 5659b6b13b7a44ddf0f599b9697f29b408517673fe98d3f1fa cb8aa4b06bd7e2
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-06 21:36) Login to Reply
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+60.00812 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2024-08-06 17:09:21. Note: Bitrce
Hash: d51fba9e6e21b880faeb73d89e5e7dc9a64f3ab82b628df32e 5527bba3f0c747
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-04 22:01) Login to Reply
Payment received:
+79.113924 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2023-08-04 23:50:21. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 154c56463ee00ea1dd0ee20abd5be284885617b42df88741a2 6557c97d0b685
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-08-01 21:56) Login to Reply
Payment received:
+46.864016 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2023-08-01 23:49:18. Note: Bitrce
Hash: c9ceff3be2529346cb641c83a2dd1d53600c2170db33f130c2 58ce5b75332914
:) czechhyipmonitorcz (date: 2024-07-31 20:45) Login to Reply
Payment received:
+61.073364 TRX. To: TFtUwUgVgLDafowgemvb322gVJiWXcsMdu. Date: 2023-07-31 16:46:24. Note: Bitrce
Hash: 64f74e1f5cf319b98bd077ea243c17a940b02bf6bee45cbac8 5ac8e5f580a23b

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