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Bestemoneys.com advanced HYIP search tool can use many criterias to look for very specific HYIPs

Program accept Program age is minimum and maximum days.

Look for desired investment plans.
You wish to invest $. Profit must be minimum % and maximum % per day.
Total profit during one investment term must be minimum % and maximum %

To get optimally tuned search results you can specify how HYIP offers should look like.
Investment plan payments schedule can be
hours | 7 days per week | business days | weeks | months

Look for plans where interest is credited multiple times.
Look for plans where interest is credited once after deposit expire.
Program should offer minimum % and maximum % per day.
If plan term isnt in days, system will extrapolate.
Referral bonus to free member is minimum % and maximum %
Referral bonus to investor is minimum % and maximum %
Interest should be
Withdrawal should be processed instantly

Specify what kind of HYIP to exclude if you want to minimize undesirable search results.
Ignore program if investment term for any plan is less than days.
Ignore program if any plan offer more than % per day
If plan term isnt in days, system will extrapolate.

Arrange results by
Buy for $15/week
Buy for $15/week
Buy for $15/week
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