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During 2020 we have shifted our focus to crypto currency trading. We now offer to share trading profits.

Check out our new Crypto Trading Plan.

Shares Program:
Every day dozens some new businesses related to E-Currencies are launched.
Many of them chose e-currencies to pay for advertising campaigns.

Condition of this business niche has deteriorated since we started Shares Program back in 2009.
Thats mainly due to the disappearance of popular e-currencies.
LibertyReserve - May 2013 (shutdown by government), EgoPay - January 2015 (bankruptcy due to large inside theft), AlertPay/Payza - March 2018 (shutdown by government).
Market shifted more to using bitcoin, but that did not last because transaction fees skyrocketed.
Bitcoin gained popularity, but "block size" limit didnt allow to process all transactions.
They planed to fix it back in August 2017, but that attempt was sabotaged.

We are still talking about substantial sum spent for ads each year!
Unfortunately few mega corporations already get most of it and with each passing year they will take more.

Would you like to get some of the remaining advertising $?

You may believe that to benefit from advertisers you must first own popular website.
You may know that a lot of time and specific skills are required to successfully manage website.
In the past there was no other way to benefit from these advertisers, but we are here to change that.

Now BesteMoneys system lets you to tap in that revenue stream.
You do not need to have specific skills and it will take just a few minutes of your time.

You can simply buy piece of this portal and become a Shareholder.
We will then share portion of income with you and you will own 728x90 ad spot.
Your Share would remain active until it receives 150% return.

Each time we gain income, earnings are credited to Shareholders.
This can happen multiple times per day or one time per day, or more than a day can pass.

In addition you would also get "Ad Credits": What's that?
1% daily Credits for visiting us ($100 Shares would get 100 Credits daily).

You can buy Share from other Shareholders.

Check Shares Market for a list of available Shares. (must be Logged In).

Learn more: Details about Shares Program | Frequently Asked Questions

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