Members can write comments and vote for your web site. We use rating to arrange web sites. Better rating ensures that more people will notice your web site.
Coinsmain rating will increase every time visitor evaluates Coinsmain and decides to rate positive.
As time pass, more and more visitors will notice and rate Coinsmain. If people like Coinsmain, your web site will eventually get good rating and be noticed by many.
You can significantly speed up this process if your loyal visitors vote for Coinsmain.
Link to us from your website and we will decorate your listing to attract more visitors.
gold coin decoration if you link to us from main page
silver coin decoration if you link to us from secondary page (Links, Ratings, etc.)
Once visitor clicks your link, coin decoration should appear automatically, if that doesnt happen, contact us and we will add it.
Coin decoration will be enabled as long as your link refers at least some visitors.
In case 15 days passes without a click, decoration will be removed. Once link is clicked, decoration is renewed for 15 days.
Text link:
In case you are placing our link in page which receives a lot of untargeted traffic from sources like
Autosurf or TrafficExchange, or similar traffic generators, please use text link! Otherwise
feel free to use our banners:
468x60 banner:
160x260 banner
120x240 banner
125x125 banner
120x60 banner
88x31 banner